Are you wondering what is different about the new 2022 Construction General Permit?  Or maybe you’re scratching your head wondering what compliance will look like come September 1, 2023 when the Permit takes effect.  Join us for an unofficial preview of the new Construction General Permit.  This class is unofficial because you will not receive a certification at the end, rather it’s an informational class.  The official QSP/QSD certification for the new Permit should be coming sometime this summer.

This is not a QSP/QSD Certification Course.

Course Information


Course Instructor

John Teravskis John Teravskis Instructor

John Teravskis, CPESC, QSP/QSD, ToR, QISP is a Senior Compliance Specialist with WGR Southwest, Inc., and is the office manager of the Lodi, CA branch.

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$249.99 / year

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Understanding the New Permit