There’s no better place to learn about soil loss than the Grand Canyon. After all, it’s the world’s most spectacular example of erosion! In this five-part video series (worth 5 PDHs), we’re going to take a close look at the Grand Canyon, and use what we’re seeing at the canyon to help us understand erosion theory and the RUSLE equation.  So, grab your pack, and come join us!

Course Information

Estimated Time: 5 PDHs

Course Instructor

John Teravskis John Teravskis Author

John Teravskis, CPESC, QSP/QSD, ToR, QISP is a Senior Compliance Specialist with WGR Southwest, Inc., and is the office manager of the Lodi, CA branch.

Complimentary Access

access until May 30, 2021 12:00 am

Please enroll for complimentary access to our Erosion Theory: Lessons at the Grand Canyon course.


Erosion Theory: Lessons from the Grand Canyon

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